Getting a DUI conviction is a scary prospect for anyone, whether it is a first-time offense or not. However, most people just consider the short-term impacts. Jail time and fines are difficult to deal with, but the long-term consequences of a DUI conviction are even...
Quality Legal Services For New Jersey’s Citizens
What happens when you receive an out-of-state DUI in New Jersey?
New Jersey is a popular state among tourists looking to celebrate any season of the year. If you find yourself indulging in one too many drinks after a night out with friends or family, though, you might find yourself with a troublesome DUI charge while far away from...
Do you have to partake in roadside tests?
The police may catch you driving home after an evening out. After engaging you in conversation, the officer may ask you to go through a series of sobriety tests. Do you have to agree? A few elements come into play during a traffic stop that alert the police to...
How to know whether you are over the legal limit
Drunk driving is illegal in every state, and in New Jersey, you may not get behind the wheel if your Blood Alcohol Concentration is 0.08% or higher. You can even get charged for DUI if your BAC is lower. It is hard to know whether you are past the official threshold...
Can you avoid a DUI checkpoint stop?
Officers have the right to set up DUI traffic stops along the road at random intervals, and sometimes do not even have to give a warning to drivers about what they are doing. But do you have the right to avoid these traffic stops? Many people default to assume that...
How well can you sleep off alcohol?
If you have a few drinks and you know you are too impaired to drive, you probably figure that you can just sleep off the alcohol and be fine to drive once you wake up. However, rushing back to driving might not be a wise decision. You may not be as alert as you should...
How many drinks does it take to get drunk?
No one ever sets out on a fun night intending on breaking the law. However, it is very easy to receive a DUI charge when you are not careful about your alcohol consumption. It helps to understand how alcohol affects blood alcohol content (BAC) and your driving...
Can you refuse breath analysis tests?
If an officer asks for you to take a breath analysis test, the phrasing might make it seem like a question. However, in reality, you should treat it as an order. While you may think you have a say in whether or not you take a breath analysis test, this is not the...
What do you know about getting a job with a DUI?
You do not want to let your recent DUI keep you from advancing your career, but you know the charge comes with baggage. How does your interaction with New Jersey law enforcement affect your job search? Chron offers tips for gaining employment when you have a drunk...
Is an ignition interlock device mandatory after a New Jersey DWI?
A conviction for driving while intoxicated in New Jersey means serious penalties, including fines, the suspension of your driver’s license and possible jail time, among others. As of 2019, it also means you have to install something called an ignition interlock device...