If you're facing criminal charges, a plea deal might seem the fastest way to resolve things. Avoiding a trial and getting a lighter sentence may sound appealing, but is taking a plea deal the best choice for you? It helps to understand what you’re giving up and what...
Quality Legal Services For New Jersey’s Citizens
Criminal Defense
What are the penalties for cybercrimes in New Jersey?
Cyber crimes are a growing concern as technology continues to play a bigger role in daily life. In New Jersey, cyber crimes involve illegal activities committed through computers, networks, or online systems. State laws classify these offenses as serious, with...
Effective defenses against embezzlement accusations
Embezzlement is a serious accusation that can lead to legal consequences, fines, and damage to your reputation. However, mere charges do not guarantee a conviction. If you have a job with financial responsibilities, it's important to understand how to defend yourself...
How are conspiracy charges different?
With most criminal charges, you’re being charged for actions that you’ve already taken. If you’re accused of embezzling money from your company or transporting illegal drugs, you were likely caught in the act or the police found evidence that this had already...
What’s an accomplice to a crime?
Did you know that you can be guilty of a crime even if you didn’t actively participate in the offense? When you knowingly help someone before, during or after the commission of the crime, that’s considered being an “accomplice” to the crime itself. Under New Jersey’s...
3 elements of insider trading charges
Insider trading refers to the buying or selling of a security based on material, nonpublic information in violation of a duty to keep that information confidential. It can lead to a variety of civil and criminal repercussions. Understanding the elements of insider...
What happens if the police arrest you for arson?
Arson, the act of intentionally setting fire to buildings, wild areas, vehicles or other property, is a serious crime in New Jersey. Being accused of such a crime carries severe implications, both legally and socially. According to the FBI, officials arrested over 300...
What to do if you get pulled over for a DUI
Getting pulled over for driving under the influence is a serious matter. To protect yourself and others on the road, you should know how to handle this situation. Pull over safely It may surprise you to learn that 13,384 people died in car accidents involving alcohol...
How can a New Jersey identity theft charge affect your life?
Identity theft is one of the fastest-growing crimes in the United States. Experian found that as many as 15 million people have their identities stolen every year. If you live in the Garden State and find yourself facing an identity theft charge, the potential...
Do you have to open the door if New Jersey police come knocking?
Hearing a knock on the door accompanied by the announcement of police presence can be a startling experience for anyone. In the state of New Jersey, like elsewhere in the U.S., interactions between police officers and citizens follow specific laws and procedures....