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Details on an assault with a deadly weapon charge in New Jersey

On Behalf of | Jun 8, 2023 | Criminal Defense

The severity of a criminal charge often heightens when a deadly weapon enters the picture. This is especially true for assault charges in the state of New Jersey. In such cases, the charge escalates to “assault with a deadly weapon,” carrying far-reaching implications for the accused.

Navigating the complexity of this particular charge requires an understanding of how New Jersey law views assault and deadly weapons. Moreover, understanding the potential punishments can shine a light on the seriousness of these charges and the necessity for a robust defense strategy.

Understanding assault with a deadly weapon

In New Jersey, an assault charge can become an assault with a deadly weapon charge if the accused allegedly used a weapon capable of causing serious bodily harm or death during the assault. The classification of the weapon is broad and can a variety of weapons as well as vehicles, certain tools and more.

Potential punishments for the charge

If convicted of assault with a deadly weapon, the accused faces serious penalties. As a crime of the third degree, a guilty verdict can result in imprisonment for three to five years. Moreover, there can also be fines of up to $15,000.

Aggravating factors

The degree of the charge and the severity of the potential punishment can escalate if certain aggravating factors are present. These include the victim’s age and physical condition, the presence of certain types of weapons and whether the accused has a prior criminal record.

Long-term implications

Besides immediate punishments, a conviction can have long-term implications. A felony conviction will appear on the offender’s permanent record, potentially limiting future employment opportunities, housing options and even certain civil rights, like the right to vote.

Anyone facing such charges should understand the potential implications. Regardless of the situation, it is important to recognize the severity of these charges and the potential impact they can have on an individual’s future.